For Residents

The village of Harrisburg provides water, sewer and road services to residents.  The city clerk is available Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by calling (573) 874-0138 or (573) 808-0360. After hours, please only use these numbers after utility related emergencies.

Utility bills or city correspondence may be sent to PO Box 97, Harrisburg, MO 65256.

During a public safety emergency (fire, police, medical), please call 911.

For non-emergencies, please use the following numbers.

Law enforcement is provided by Boone County Sheriff’s Department.

Boone County Fire Protection District (BCFPD) provides emergency medical care, fire suppression and other crisis resolution services as “a helping hand” to our community.

Additionally, Harrisburg is served by University of Missouri Health Care (MUHC) and Boone Hospital Center (BHC) for advanced emergency medical services and transport.

Non-emergency numbers
BCSD      (573) 875-1111
BCFPD   (573) 447-5000.
MUHC    (573) 882-4141
BHC       (573) 815-8000